Mandatory Electronic Filing of Pretrial Detention Appeals Begins on January 1, 2017

This morning, the Appellate Division issued a Notice to the Bar, available here, to remind practitioners and appellants that, effective on January 1, 2017, appeals to the Appellate Division on pretrial detention matters must be filed electronically.  The notice also observes that four other categories of appeals are already subject to mandatory electronic filing.  Those appeal types are criminal appeals, Children in  Court appeals, Sexually Violent Predator appeals, and Civil Commitment appeals.

The notice concludes with the following statement: “Attorneys in the five case types identified above who attempt to file paper pleadings and documents will have those documents returned stamped ‘Received But Not Filed- Must Be Filed Electronically.’  An accelerated date for resubmission in the proper manner (electronically) will be included with the returned documents.”  ‘Nuff said.

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