New Jersey Appellate Law Blog’s Second Anniversary

Today is the second anniversary of New Jersey Appellate Law blog.  The past year has been a busy one.  The 225 posts since last October 18 have commented on events ranging from the cosmic, such as the three days of hotly-contested oral argument and the eventual decision regarding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, to the mundane, such as the unusual methodology for numbering footnotes that was employed in a recent Third Circuit case, to the extraordinary, such as the first Supreme Court of New Jersey case ever in which, due to recusals, non-Justices outnumbered Justices in hearing and deciding the matter [Disclosure:  This Supreme Court case was one that I argued].  This blog has acquired more subscribers, has enjoyed more non-subscriber readership, and has been cited elsewhere with more frequency.  It has even generated more feedback from readers, feedback to which I hope to be better and more prompt about responding in the coming year.  So please keep those comments coming.  Thanks again to everyone– trial and appellate level judges, lawyers, law faculty and students, and laypeople– who take time out of their busy day to read this blog.  Stay tuned for what, I hope, will not be the “terrible twos.”

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