Since today is Election Day, it is an especially appropriate time to revisit the Supreme Court’s decision in In re Attorney General’s “Directive on Exit Polling: Media and Non-Partisan Public Interest Groups,“ 200 N.J. 283 (2009). There, the Court addressed a ...
The Supreme Court announced yesterday that it has granted certification to review O’Boyle v. Borough of Longport, 426 N.J. Super. 1 (App. Div. 2012), an Open Public Records Act case. The Appellate Division’s decision is discussed here. The question presented, as phrased by ...
In re Parentage of a Child by T.J.S. and A.L.S., 212 N.J. 334 (2012). As summarized in the syllabus (a convenient but admittedly not authoritative source), the issue was “whether the New Jersey Parentage Act (Act), N.J.S.A. 9:17-38 to -59, which provides that ...
On July 6, 2012, the Supreme Court granted review of In re Plan for the Abolition of the Council on Affordable Housing, 424 N.J. Super. 410 (App. Div. 2012), a decision that was issued on March 8, 2012. Today the Court ...
On this date in 1974, with a one-sentence summary affirmance of the Appellate Division, the Supreme Court upheld a ruling that Little League Baseball, Inc. had to admit girls aged eight to twelve to participate in its baseball programs in ...
The Supreme Court of the United States has been very active in granting review of cases seeking to compel arbitration in various contexts. Now, the Supreme Court of New Jersey has joined in the fun. The Court announced today that it ...
The Supreme Court of New Jersey announced yesterday that webcasts of archived Supreme Court oral arguments can now be viewed in an MP4 format, on notepads, smart phones, or other mobile devices. Previously, oral arguments could be viewed only using ...
Winters v. North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue, 212 N.J. 67 (2012). When a public employee who is the subject of a disciplinary proceeding before the Civil Service Commission (“the Commission”) asserts retaliation as a defense, but then does not offer ...
In an Order issued yesterday, Chief Justice Rabner announced the elevation of Judges Rodriguez and Cuff to the Supreme Court effective October 1, 2012. The Chief Justice acted pursuant to the authority of Article VI, section 2, paragraph 1 of the ...
The end of August is usually a relatively sleepy period in terms of Supreme Court decisions. On this date in 1989, however, the Supreme Court issued its decision in Printing Mart v. Sharp Electronics, 116 N.J. 739 (1989). That opinion discusses ...