In re Petition for Referendum to Repeal Ordinance 2354-12 of West Orange Tp., 223 N.J. 589 (2015). This appeal involved the timeliness of a challenge to a bond ordinance for redevelopment work that was adopted by the Township of West ...
Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced that it had granted review in Ginsberg v. Quest Diagnostics, Inc., 441 N.J. Super. 198 (App. Div. 2015), briefly summarized here. (Confirming that nobody is perfect, the website showed the plaintiff’s name as “Ginsburg”). “The ...
The Supreme Court announced today that it has granted review in Myska v. New Jersey Manufacturers Ins. Co., 440 N.J. Super. 458 (App. Div. 2015). [Disclosure: I am co-counsel for New Jersey Manufacturers in this matter]. The question presented, as ...
The Supreme Court of New Jersey Committee on Character evaluates applicants to the New Jersey Bar for their current character and fitness to practice law. [Disclosure: I was a member of the Committee for fifteen years, and I currently represent ...
Sixty-five years ago today, on November 20, 1950, the Supreme Court decided Fischer v. Bedminster Tp., 5 N.J. 534 (1950). That opinion, written by Justice Heher, contains one of the earliest and best post-1947 Constitution expositions of the action in ...
Cashin v. Bello, 223 N.J. 328 (2015). The cardinal principle of statutory interpretation is that plain language controls and ends the need for any further inquiry. In this opinion by Justice Fernandez-Vina, speaking for a unanimous Supreme Court, the issue ...
The Supreme Court announced yesterday that Justice Fernandez-Vina recently had eye surgery and is scheduled for another operation “in the near future” as well. Accordingly, he will not be participating in oral arguments for “a number of months.” As a ...
Yesterday, October 1, and the day before, September 30, the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office, the Appellate Division Clerk’s Office, and other Clerk’s Offices in the Hughes Justice Complex in Trenton were closed due to “a facilities-related issue” involving the HVAC ...
Kaye v. Rosefielde, 223 N.J. 218 (2015). Kaye v. Rosefielde, 432 N.J. Super. 421 (App. Div. 2013), discussed here, seemed destined for Supreme Court review. The Court did grant review, but limited to the issue of whether a court may ...
On this date in 1975, the Supreme Court decided Oxfeld v. New Jersey State Bd. of Educ., 68 N.J. 301 (1978). The case involved claims of students at Columbia High School, which served South Orange and Maplewood, that the school’s ...