In 1989, Robert Fulghum came out with a book titled “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” The book became a best-seller. It contained such wisdom as “Play fair,” “Don’t hit people,” and “Say you’re sorry when ...
In the federal system, Justice Brandeis’ concurrence in Ashwander v. TVA, 297 U.S. 288 (1936), has been the source most often cited for the principle that courts will avoid reaching constitutional issues when cases can be decided on other grounds. ...
This has been a busy past ten days for the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, that busy period coincided with one of my own busy periods. So here is a very brief recap of some of the actions that the Court took ...
The Supreme Court announced on Friday that it had granted review in In re New Jersey State Fireman’s Ass’n Obligation to Provide Relief Application, 443 N.J. Super. 238 (App. Div. 2015). The Appellate Division’s decision is discussed here. The case ...
With breathtaking speed, Walter Timpone, whom Governor Christie, in a surprise move, nominated to the Supreme Court on April 11, and who cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday with a unanimous vote, was today confirmed by the full Senate. ...
As expected, the Senate Judiciary Committee today took up Governor Christie’s nomination of Walter Timpone to the Supreme Court. Though there was some questioning of the nominee about his decision to recuse himself from the Election Law Enforcement Commission’s consideration ...
There is the potential that Governor Christie’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Walter Timpone, could appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee as early as tomorrow. Senator Nicholas Scutari (D-Union) said that is “the goal,” but that arrangements for an appearance ...
Robertelli v. New Jersey Office of Attorney Ethics, 224 N.J. 470 (2016). As today’s decision by Chief Justice Rabner describes in exquisite detail, the Supreme Court has established two different bodies to regulate attorneys: the District Ethics Committees (“DECs”) and ...
The End of a Six-Year Supreme Court Dispute? Governor Christie Nominates Walter Timpone to the Court
The lengthy saga of Governor Christie and the Supreme Court may finally be coming to an end. Without recapping the entire history, in February 2016, Governor Christie nominated Monmouth County Superior Court Judge David Bauman to fill the seat on ...
In addition to the Supreme Court’s grant of review in a case involving the termination of a contract of sale of residential real estate, discussed here, the Court announced in the last several days that it would review four other ...