Vitale v. Schering-Plough Corp., 231 N.J. 234 (2017).  Plaintiff was hired as a security guard by a security company.  The company required him to agree to waive any claim against any customer of the security company to whom he might ...

The Supreme Court announced late last Friday that it has granted review in three more cases.  Two of those cases involve the long-running Accutane Multi-County Litigation, which the Court has addressed before, in several contexts, in McCarrell v. Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc., ...

The Supreme Court announced today that it has granted leave to appeal in State v. Pinkston.  The question presented, as phrased by the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office, is “In this criminal justice reform matter, did the trial court abuse its ...

The Supreme Court announced that it has granted certification in five more cases.  One of those is a land use matter.  The other four run the gamut from administrative law to criminal law to constitutional law to arbitration. Montclair State ...

Currently, there is much litigation about rent control, including cases such as this one.  But the subject of rent control is not new.  Instead, in our state courts, it goes back at least as far as the immediate post-World War ...

Under the aegis of the Supreme Court’s Historical Advisory Board, which Chief Justice Rabner formed last year, the judiciary has launched a virtual museum dedicated to the history of the Supreme Court.  The virtual museum can be accessed here. The ...

Yesterday and today, the Supreme Court did what it does not often do: affirm a decision of the Appellate Division substantially for the reasons expressed by the Appellate Division, rather than writing its own fully-expressed opinion. Yesterday’s ruling, in Granata ...

The Supreme Court announced that it has granted review in two new cases.  The first is In re William R. Hendrickson, Jr.  The question presented there, as phrased by the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office, is “What is the appropriate standard ...

On this date in 1956, the Supreme Court decided Friedman v. Tappan Development Corp., 22 N.J. 523 (1956).  Like Newark Publishers’ Ass’n v. Newark Typographical Union, 26 N.J. 419 (1956), decided just one week earlier, Friedman was an opinion by ...

If there is one case that every New Jersey litigator, and even most non-litigators, know, it is Brill v. Guardian Life Ins. Co., 142 N.J. 520 (1995).  That opinion, written by Justice Coleman for a unanimous Supreme Court, was issued ...