The Supreme Court has announced that it has granted review in three more cases. Two of them resulted from unpublished Appellate Division rulings in cases where police officers are the plaintiffs, and the third is from a published opinion in ...
Governor Murphy announced yesterday that he is nominating Justice Patterson for tenure on the Supreme Court. Justice Patterson has served with distinction on the Court for the past seven years. She has written important and well-crafted opinions, and she has ...
Brennan v. Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office, 233 N.J. 330 (2018). This opinion by Chief Justice Rabner, for a unanimous Supreme Court, addressed an issue that arose under the Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 to -13 (“OPRA”). The Bergen County ...
The Supreme Court announced that it has granted review in two more cases. The first is O’Donnell v. New Jersey Turnpike Authority. The question presented in that appeal, as phrased by the Supreme Court Clerk’s office, is “Was the failure ...
The Supreme Court announced that it is seeking comments on a proposed amendment to Rule 2:11-1(b)(3). That rule, which deals with oral argument in the appellate courts, currently states that “[n]o more than two attorneys will be heard for each ...
Petro-Lubricant Testing Laboratories, Inc. v. Adelman, 233 N.J. 236 (2018). This defamation case, which involves an internet article about an employment discrimination lawsuit that was thereafter reprinted in somewhat different form, has pinged and ponged in different directions at each ...
The Supreme Court announced that it has granted review in All the Way Towing, LLC v. Bucks County International, Inc. The question presented on this appeal, as phrased by the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office, is “Does the Consumer Fraud Act (CFA), ...
American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey v. Hendricks, 233 N.J. 181 (2018). In 2016, in a decision reported at 445 N.J. Super. 452 (App. Div. 2016), and discussed here, the Appellate Division invalidated as unconstitutional grants that the Department ...
The Supreme Court announced that it has granted review in two more cases. The first, Blake v. Board of Review, was discussed here. Since the Court had previously granted review in McClain v. Board of Review, 451 N.J. Super. 461 ...
On this date in 1983, the Supreme Court decided In re Vincenti, 92 N.J. 591 (1983). As noted here, this is a morbidly entertaining disciplinary opinion involving a practitioner who was the subject of discipline multiple times. The Court’s per ...