The Supreme Court announced the unusual step of soliciting amicus curiae briefs from anyone who might wish to file one in the case of Orientale v. Jennings, an auto accident matter summarized here. The Court heard oral argument in that ...
The Supreme Court announced that it has granted leave to appeal in one case and certification in another. Both cases doubtless will be closely watched. The Court granted leave to appeal in Pisack v. B&C Towing, Inc., a class action ...
On October 31, 1955, the Supreme Court decided Rainier’s Dairies v. Raritan Valley Farms, Inc., 19 N.J. 552 (1955). It was a 6-1 decision, with Justice Jacobs writing for the majority. Justice Wachenfeld was the lone dissenter. The case arose ...
The Supreme Court has announced that it has granted certification in three cases, all criminal matters, and that a civil case will be before it on an appeal as of right. Here are the details. The civil case, a class ...
In an Order dated October 16, but released late yesterday, Chief Justice Rabner announced that Heather Baker is being appointed as Clerk of the Supreme Court, effective as of November 29. She replaces Mark Neary who, as discussed here, has ...
On October 19, 1977, the Supreme Court decided Polillo v. Deane, 74 N.J. 562 (1977). That decision is still the leading case under the New Jersey Sunshine Law, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6, otherwise known as the Open Public Meetings Act. There, the ...
T.L. v. Goldberg, which was the subject of a reported Appellate Division opinion where the panel split 2-1 in favor of plaintiffs, reversing the Law Division and awarding plaintiffs a new trial, has now reached the Supreme Court. The Appellate ...
The Supreme Court announced today that it has granted review in four more cases. Three of those are criminal appeals. The fourth is a tort case relating to a residential landlord’s duty of care. The tort case is J.H. by ...
The Supreme Court has granted certification in two new cases. The first is yet another matter involving whether and when consumer disputes can be forced into arbitration. That case (actually, two consolidated cases) is Goffe v. Foulke Management Corp. The ...
In re Accutane Litigation, 235 N.J. 229 (2018). [Disclosure: I argued this appeal, together with co-counsel, on behalf of the plaintiffs. The opinions expressed in this post are mine alone, and are not attributable to or necessarily reflective of the ...