The Supreme Court announced that it has granted certification in three more cases. How can the case involving “The Shining” not be discussed first? That case is State v. Williams. The question presented, as phrased by the Supreme Court Clerk’s ...

Estate of Van Riper v. Director, Division of Taxation, 241 N.J. 115 (2020). The taxpayers in this case lost their argument, on summary judgment, before the Tax Court and then the Appellate Division. The Supreme Court granted review, as discussed ...

New Jersey Land Title Ass’n v. Rone, 241 N.J. 113 (2020). As discussed here, yesterday the Supreme Court affirmed, on the opinion of the Appellate Division, that court’s ruling on a statute of limitations issue. Today, the Court took that ...

The Supreme Court announced that it has granted certification in three more cases. Two of them are criminal matters. The third addresses labor and constitutional law issues. The labor appeal is Rozenblit v. Lyles, in which (as discussed here) the ...

The Plastic Surgery Center, P.A. v. Malouf Chevrolet-Cadillac, Inc., 241 N.J. 112 (2020). As discussed here, the Appellate Division, in an opinion reported at 457 N.J. Super. 564 (App. Div. 2019), held that a 2012 amendment to N.J.S.A. 34:15-15 did ...

Balducci v. Cige, 240 N.J. 574 (2020). In this case, as discussed here, the Appellate Division invalidated a retainer agreement in an opinion reported at 456 N.J. Super. 219 (App. Div. 2018). The panel also made some broad statements about ...

The Supreme Court announced today that it has granted certification in three cases. All are criminal appeals, one of which involved a published opinion of the Appellate Division. State v. Williams, where the Appellate Division published an opinion that is ...

Shields v. Ramslee Motors, 240 N.J. 479 (2020). The Supreme Court always seems to have a snow and ice removal case on its docket. The latest one resulted in an opinion by Justice Fernandez-Vina. All other Justices joined that opinion, ...

With relatively rare exceptions, stays pending appeal do not get a lot of attention in published cases. That is because decisions on applications for such stays, by their nature, are generally made quickly and without necessarily resulting in a published ...

Pisack v. B&C Towing, Inc., 240 N.J. 360 (2020). This matter involved multiple consolidated consumer class actions challenging the fees charged by the defendant towing companies, which towed plaintiffs’ vehicles at the direction of the police without plaintiffs’ consent. As ...