As stated here, all Appellate Division oral arguments through March 27 will be conducted telephonically rather than in person. There is no indication yet as to whether that will continue past March 27. The Supreme Court has no oral arguments ...
As announced here, the Supreme Court of the United States today advised that, “in light of public health concerns,” it is postponing oral arguments that had been scheduled for March 23-25 and March 30-April 1. “The Court will examine the ...
Mejia v. Quest Diagnostics, Inc., 241 N.J. 360 (2020). Today’s opinion by Justice Fernandez-Vina, for a unanimous Supreme Court, involved “whether a third-party defendant, facing only claims for contribution and common-law indemnification from an original defendant that did not file ...
The Supreme Court announced that it has granted certification in State v. Ahmad, an appeal from a manslaughter conviction. The question presented there, as phrased by the Supreme Court Clerk’s office, is “Was defendant’s statement obtained in violation of Miranda ...
Kornbleuth v. Westover, 241 N.J. 289 (2020). The Supreme Court of the United States frequently seems to split 5-4. It is relatively rare for the Supreme court of New Jersey to split 4-3. Yesterday, in a case involving the unauthorized ...
Wild v. Carriage Funeral Holdings, Inc., 241 N.J. 285 (2020). In this case, as discussed here, the Appellate Division reversed a trial level decision that had granted dismissal of plaintiff’s claims under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, N.J.S.A. 10:5-1 ...
February 26 was the most recent post on this blog. From then until today, I have had an Appellate Division oral argument, an oral argument on a dispositive motion in the Law Division, and an oral argument in the Supreme ...
Felix v. Richards, 241 N.J. 169 (2020). This ruling of the Supreme Court today saw only five Justices participating since Justices Patterson and Timpone were recused. The remaining five Justices split 3-2. Justice LaVecchia wrote the majority opinion, in which ...
The Supreme Court announced that it has granted review in four more cases. One of those matters, State v. Lodzinski, a murder case, has received substantial publicity during its lengthy life. In that case, the question presented, as phrased by ...
The Supreme Court announced that it will review two more cases. One of them is before the Court as of right, by virtue of a dissent in the Appellate Division. In the other case, the Court granted certification. Allen v. ...