The New Jersey Supreme Court Virtual Museum Has Been Launched

Under the aegis of the Supreme Court’s Historical Advisory Board, which Chief Justice Rabner formed last year, the judiciary has launched a virtual museum dedicated to the history of the Supreme Court.  The virtual museum can be accessed here.

The museum includes a brief overview of the post-1948 Court, excerpts from the proceedings of the New Jersey Constitutional Convention of 1947 Committee on the Judiciary, detailed biographies of the first seven Chief Justices, individual photographs of Associate Justices going back to Justice Clifford, who was appointed to the Court in 1973, group photographs of the Justices dating back to 1948, oral history interviews with Justices Stein, Pollock, Handler, and Verniero, speeches by Justice Coleman, and videos of swearing-in ceremonies and other interviews.

The Advisory Board, which has been chaired by Justice Coleman and includes retired members of the state court bench at all levels, a retired United States District Court judge, law professors, and others, has performed a valuable service by creating the virtual museum.  The virtual museum’s goal, according to Chief Justice Rabner, is to “preserve [the Court’s] history and educate the public about the work and legacy of the Supreme Court.”  The virtual museum is off to a very good start.  Check it out.