The Appellate Division issued a Notice to the Bar today regarding oral argument in that court. That Notice, titled “Oral Argument in the Appellate Division,” is available here.
The Notice began by summarizing the right to oral argument and the proper method and timing for submitting a request for oral argument. It then went on to note that “[i]f one of the parties has filed a timely request for oral argument, the other parties may rely upon that request and need not file their own requests for oral argument. A party may withdraw its request for oral argument only if it has the consent to do so from all other parties participating in the appeal.”
The Notice then turned to the question of attorney vacations and their effect on oral argument scheduling. “In scheduling appeals for oral argument, the Clerk’s office takes into account attorneys’ vacation plans and other conflicts which the Clerk’s office has been apprised of prior to scheduling.” Noting an increase in requests for postponements of oral argument, the Notice emphasized the need to advise the Clerk’s office of vacations and other conflicts in advance. Absent such advance notice of vacations or other conflicts, “the court will not adjourn an appeal scheduled for oral argument for such reason. In the event of such a conflict, the court will consider, on notice to all parties, an application to have the case submitted for determination on the briefs.”
This Notice is a word to the wise: if you have a vacation or other looming conflict, notify the Appellate Division in advance or risk losing the ability to argue orally.
I just had my first experience of filing a Notice of Appeal, Case Information Statement, and related documents through the Ecourts Appellate site. Fortunately, the Court staff assigned were able to patiently walk me through the entire process. I am not sure most counsel are aware, until they’ve gone down that road, that the site in effect prepares the documents for you after you go through a series of prompts, equivalent to the online forms, and uploads. Silly me, I thought the process would work similarly to the federal courts and other efiling jurisdictions, where the filing process is merely one of direct uploading the documents after checking off a few preliminary classification prompts. Not sure whether this is a good or bad thing….For example, to file a request for oral argument, you only get to check-off a couple of boxes, and the system creates the request for you. But all you can do basically is request argument; there is no prompt for you to add information such as vacation dates which are even more important in light of the recent Notice to the Bar. I would be interested to hear your perspective, experiences, and those of other followers of this page.