Chief Justice Rabner has issued the General Assignment Order for 2015-16. The full Order, whose assignments take effect on September 1, 2015, can be viewed here.
As far as the Appellate Division goes, the General Assignment Order shows that Judge Messano will continue as Presiding Judge for Administration, while Judge Sabatino will serve as Deputy Presiding Judge for Administration. The Presiding Judges of the eight Appellate Division Parts will be the same as this past year. They are Judges Sabatino (Part A), Lihotz (Part B), Reisner (Part C), Alvarez (Part D), Messano (Part E), Fisher (Part F), Yannotti (Part G), and Fuentes (Part H).
Each Part will comprise four judges, except for Judge Messano’s Part E, which has five judges. Parts A and G each have a seat reserved for an unidentified “Temporary Assignee,” indicating that two more trial level judges will be promoted to the Appellate Division, so that Judges Currier (assigned to Part F) and Gilson (assigned to Part H), the most recently promoted judges, will no longer be the most junior members of the Appellate Division.
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