By a 64-34 vote, the United States Senate today confirmed Magistrate Judge Shwartz to a seat on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Despite her undoubted credentials, and as was true at the Judiciary Committee as well, most Senate Republicans voted against her confirmation.
As partially recounted here, it has been a long slog for Judge Shwartz to reach this point. Unlike some nominees, Judge Shwartz should not have been the subject of any controversy. She has now overcome the unwarranted delays in the process and will soon join the Third Circuit.
The Senate vote is a mixed bag for New Jerseyans. On one hand, we will miss her effective case management and prompt rulings at the District of New Jersey level. On the other hand, we will share Judge Shwartz, at the appellate level, with Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Virgin Islands, to the benefit of citizens of and cases originating in those jurisdictions.
All the very best to Judge Shwartz as she embarks on her new position.
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